Planetary Devastation - Naruto Shippuden Episode 167 Reaction


Jeddxh, 20 Jun 2020 - 5:56am
Her reaction was fantastic that moment of shock when she realizes Naruto is face to face with his father. Proof that the Pain arc is the BEST arc?🙌🏼
ori92, 20 Jun 2020 - 5:49am
its to bad her cuts were at the wrong times... oh well
yaak, 20 Jun 2020 - 5:14am
Excluding the last few minutes of the episode, This is prolly my least favorite episode of the canon adaptation. The manga did this segment of the fight beautifully. There are several episodes that also do this. Some we seen with you already and other that we will soon. But for me the liberties they took here ruin this portion of the fight. Even in your reaction without reading the manga some stuff felt off no? Several times both Pein and Naruto do things that should not happen. As the manga did a poor job in showing this unless you look for it, as far as the anime is concerned Naruto goes 4, 6 then 8 tails in this episode. The ninth was prevented in the last moment. At the point we are now we have never seen five or seven tails. Maybe some point in the future hehe. I will just say in the manga, one of those transformations didn't happen. Not a big deal, but for me the choice kinda ruins it for me. Love the content, keep em coming.
Actually, the fifth tail came out when Naruto got a skeleton on him, the sixth tail only came out a little later.
Suzy do note that My Academia Hero has a habit of adding stuff randomly at the end more than Naruto. So be ready for that.
no clue why people hate on the animation for this fight, it's in my top 3 for the show
What kind of person think represents the rocks as cubes is a good animation, that I do not mention the other atrocities that they did, I settle for knowing that only the end of the chapter happened, the others never happened.
That's not animation, that's art. Animation is only the movements, which in this episode, looked really fluid if you ask me.
Kaluom, 20 Jun 2020 - 2:01am
Ah yes the episode when naruto became looney tunes lol. They were criticized so much when this aired that they didn't try to pull it off again. If they would've animated it like they did with some of the fillers or movies it would've been much more epic.
Kaizo, 20 Jun 2020 - 2:01am
So every time she forgets to upload non vip members have to wait 2 days for a video, So unfair
Kobe, 20 Jun 2020 - 1:36am
How is this fair people who don't have vip just don't get a episode today or something?
There needs to be an incentive to be a VIP. Otherwise people will just stay with the free option. It is an actual privilege to have free entertainment. The cable bills goes to all the channels which you are subscribed from the cable provider. The channels pay a royalty to the content creators. An artist is given a commission for their work to be on display and the way they get those commissions is having a charge. Artists need money to eat and sleep. To also access materials to produce their works. This is what the whole Pain arc is about; understanding the pain of others.
Lenf, 20 Jun 2020 - 1:36am
Yondaime !!!! The coolest Persona ever ! Nooo next ep is gonna be explosive !
